Bay Area San Jose Advertising Agency


We’ve created advertising campaigns for industry leaders across a broad range of categories. We’ve been there at launch, helped them ascend, and been instrumental in maintaining success.



How to Succeed as an Orange in an Apple World

Planet Orange, a start-up company offering eco-friendly, alternative termite and pest control solutions, believed in the importance and viability of their services. Breaking the hold that the large, well-established competitors had on the industry category seemed to be a daunting task. They came to us for help to craft and deliver their message. Targeted radio advertising strategies combined with a tongue-in-cheek, brand-awareness campaign (“Orange you glad you called?”) pushed Planet Orange to success quickly. Their consistent presence on Bay Area radio has made them not only a dominant player, but a trusted one. Planet Orange is the official termite and pest control provider for the San Francisco Giants, San Francisco 49ers, and San Jose Sharks.


introducing silicon valley to the future

As part of the team tasked with re-branding the Silicon Valley Auto Show, we unveiled “The Future of Drive”, leveraging the tech market in San Jose. The new campaign was launched on multiple media platforms including television, radio, and digital. We brokered partnerships with the Bay Area News Group (San Jose Mercury News) and Metro Newspapers to further extend the reach of the show. The result? Increased sales and attendance with 2018 marking a new record for profitability and attendance.


Doing Good Work Comes Easy

When economic conditions left more people in need of assistance, Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties faced a growing challenge. They had the infrastructure and commitment but needed to get the word out to more people in their surrounding communities. That’s where we came in. Through carefully-crafted television and radio strategies, we combined all of Second Harvest’s corporate sponsors into a single fundraising campaign. The Holiday Food and Fund Drive helped the largest food bank in California raise over $17,000,000 a year and continues to be a success every year.


It Takes an Agency to Raise a Family

When we were brought in, the Del Grande Dealer Group had four franchises. All of the dealerships were advertising separately, primarily in print. We saw the missed opportunity for economy of scale and moved the majority of their budget to radio, added television, and worked on a campaign focused on the group as a whole, with a unified website. Since our partnership began, DGDG has grown to 17 dealerships with sales of over 33,000 units annually, making them the largest family-owned dealer group in Northern California.